
Base Oil 植物底油 « dkaroma

每次洗澡後也有乾燥痕癢的情況,有甚麼精油合用呢? After bath, I feel dry and itch all over. Which kind of essential oil should I use?

每次洗澡後也有乾燥痕癢的情況,有甚麼精油合用呢? After bath, I feel dry and itch all over. Can aromatherapy help? 可用香薰護膚油或身體乳液的方法。 護膚油配方:將10毫升的甜杏仁油加5滴花梨木精華油混合即成。 身體乳液配方:把120毫升的身體基底乳液加上16滴天竺葵,24滴甜橙及16滴乳香精華油。 於洗澡後薄薄塗上己調配好的護膚油或身體乳液作按摩,可改善皮膚痕癢的情況,更有保濕的效果。 Aromatherapy Oil or lotion can help to improve the situation. Skincare oil recipe: 2 drops of Rosewood, 3 drops Geranium essential oil and 10ml Sweet Almond Oil. Body lotion recipe: 120ml Body lotion, 16 drops Geranium, 24 drops [...]

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我兒子最近患上皮膚炎, 可以用甚麼精油來治療? My son suffers from dermatitis. Which kind of essential oils should I use?

我兒子最近患上皮膚炎, 但我不想用含有類固醇的藥膏, 可以用甚麼精油來治療? 你可用金盞花油2毫升,向日葵油8毫升,檀香2滴,沒藥2滴,薰衣草2滴混合後搽在患處。 My son suffers from dermatitis. I don't want to use the ointment which contains steroids. Which kind of essential oils should I use? You may mix 2ml Calendula Oil, 8ml Sunflower Oil, 2 drops of Sandalwood, 2 drops of Myrrh and 2 drops of Lavender to apply on his skin.

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玫瑰果油有什麼功效呢? 可以怎樣應用在皮膚護理上呢? What is the benefits of the Rosehip Oil? How it can use it?

玫瑰果油有什麼功效呢? 可以怎樣應用在皮膚護理上呢? What is the benefits of the Rosehip Oil? How it can use it? 玫瑰果油是一種對皮膚很好的底油。它的功效有很多, 例如能美白,增加皮膚彈性, 去斑,去紋,去印, 亦能防止或去除妊娠紋。使用玫瑰果油的方法很簡單, 因為玫瑰果油為厚身油, 你可以將玫瑰果油混合於其他薄身油中,如桃核油等,混合很即可直接塗於皮膚, 你亦可加適量的精華油混合使用,效果更佳.你亦可將玫瑰果油加於無香味面霜中混合使用。 Rosehip Oil is really an outstanding base oil to the skin. It has a lot of fabulous properties, for examples whitening, toning, anti-pigment, anti-wrinkle, scar recovery, as well as preventing and relieving stretch [...]

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背痛按摩油配方 Back Pain Massage Oil recipe

背痛按摩配方  Back Pain Massage Oil recipe 甜杏油8ml 山金車油2ml 羅馬洋甘菊2滴 天竺葵1滴 迷迭香2滴 Sweet almond oil 8ml Arnica Oil 2ml Chamomile roam 2 drops Geranium 1 drop Rosemay 2 drops

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天氣寒冷加上乾燥,皮膚痕癢,我能做些什麼? Under cold weather and my skin became very dry, what can I do?

天氣寒冷加上乾燥,皮膚痕癢,我能做些什麼? Under cold weather and my skin became very dry, what can I do? 天氣寒冷加上乾燥,皮膚引起痕癢,身體乳液都不夠滋潤皮膚,你可嘗試使用身體按摩油來滋潤身體: 乾燥皮膚配方: 乳香4滴 玫瑰/ 橙花3滴 薰衣草4滴 牛油果油 10ml 甜杏仁油 20ml Dry skin can caused by cold weather and make the skin very dry and itchy. If body lotion  is not moisture enough for you, you could dry to use oil which [...]

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以天然的方法愛護肌膚 Love your skin in natural way

Love your skin in natural way When you take care of your skin, you are taking care of all of you.  With Christmas and New Year upon us, you had parties and gatherings to have fun with.  After all these fun, your skin needs some awesome help from nature!  Aromatherapy proprietary skincare products and begin [...]

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植物底油和食用油的分別是甚麼? What is the difference of Carrier oil and cooking oil?

植物底油和食用油的分別是甚麼? What is the difference of Carrier oil and cooking oil?  植物底油取自植物的花朵、堅果或種子的香油。它們以冷壓法(在攝氏60度下處理)萃取,將植物中的礦物質、維生素、脂肪酸,味道及顏色保存下來。 食用油通常是經過高溫提煉和經好幾道加工程序,甚至是使用化學溶劑提煉,並混合多種油脂。並且再經過去膠、精煉、脫色、去味、氫化等處理,因此營養成分較低。 Carrie oil extract from flower, nuts or seeds. They are produce by cold press. Cold pressed oil is oil which has been produced with the use of a low heat technique. The temperature varies, depending on the oil, but is generally around [...]

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請問咩係浸泡油呢? What is infused oil?

請問咩係浸泡油呢? What is infused oil? 浸泡油是把有藥用成份的藥草浸泡在底油中, 透過浸泡過程, 底油會吸取藥草中有用的化學成份,如金盞花,山金車等, 都是浸泡油。 Infused oil is a maceration or infusion of herbs in vegetable oil. Herbs contain active chemicals and some of these chemicals can be drawn out dissolved into a solvent.

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生活睛報~辟味,紓壓,治療。香薰油使用3部曲 2011-12

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